
Located conveniently on the edge of our beautiful Whiteknights campus, the SportPark’s extensive indoor and outdoor facilities are available for everyone to use.


Our Gym aims to create a fantastic workout experience using high spec fitness equipment, modern interior design, LED lighting and high-quality fitness flooring.


A young man on a cross trainer looking at his reflection in the mirror
a barbell set up next to a glute bench

Sports Hall

Measuring 37m × 32m, the sports hall caters for a wide range of activities, including:

  • Badminton – 8 courts
  • Volleyball – 2 courts
  • Basketball – 2 courts
  • Cricket – indoor nets


The SportsPark has four squash courts: 2 championship glass-backs and 2 traditional hard-backs.


The SportsPark has two fully air conditioned studios. Studio 2 has a hard rubber floor, which is ideal for dynamic movements, spinning and aerobics. Studio 1 holds smaller dance classes, yoga and Pilates.


Playing Fields


Playing fields surround the SportsPark and include two football pitches, two rugby pitches, one hockey pitch, a lacrosse pitch and an American football pitch.


Four 11-a-side senior and one junior football pitches. Pitches can be hired with or without the changing pavilion. The modern changing facility has a clubhouse.

women's football players in huddle outside the Bulmersh pavilion

Whiteknights Pavilion

The Whiteknights Pavilion is the main changing facility for any outdoor Sports booking.

  • Male Home and Away Changing rooms
  • Female Home and Away Changing rooms
  • 2 x Officials changing rooms
  • Accessible changing facilities
  • Club room

The Pavilion also plays host to GoPerform one of our partners and excellent Sports injury and performance practitioners.

SoccerPark & Synthetic Turf Pitch


Three purpose-built floodlit 5-a-side pitches with the latest third generation surface, synthetic grass filled with rubber crumb.

Synthetic Turf Pitch (STP)

The floodlit Synthetic Turf Pitch is ideal for hockey and football. The Synthetic Turf Pitch can be split into 3, net-separated, seven-a-side football pitches or left complete, creating a full-sized football or hockey pitch.


The SportsPark’s tennis dome has been funded by the Lawn Tennis Association and the University of Reading. The TennisPark has 3 indoor courts adjacent to 5 outdoor courts, all of which are fully flood lit.

a man about to play a tennis shot from the base line

Sports Equipment

The SportsPark has a range of sports equipment to buy.

Weather you are trying a new sport or just need some replacement balls we have you covered.